Computational Psycholinguistics of Listening and Speaking Lab

At the University of California, Santa Barbara

The CPLS Lab brings together a diverse array of scholars, united in three core beliefs: first, that a comprehensive picture of language requires attention to the cognitive, social, and communicative-functional contexts in which it is used; second, that there are strong interactions between the processes of language learning, change, production, and perception; and third, that computational, experimental, and corpus-based methods offer indispensable perspectives on these contexts and processes, both independently and in combination with each other. Through strong collaborative efforts, we are building a better understanding of how language works in the minds, bodies, and communities of its users.

CPLS Lab members and friends visit an alpaca farm, Winter 2025

PRPL and CPLS Lab members and friends at a beach picnic, Winter 2025

CPLS Lab members paint ceramics, Winter 2024

CPLS Lab members at paint night, Spring 2023

CPLS Lab members and friends on a hike, Winter 2022